About » Pickup / Drop Off Directions

Pickup / Drop Off Directions

Please review the Hilda Walker Arrival and Dismissal Procedures for the 2024-2025 school year.
Use the map as referenced in the procedures below.

Morning Arrival Procedures 

Parent Drop-Off  

  • Parents will use one single lane to drive up to the main entrance from Mary Drew Parkway (Point A).
  • Cars will line up in front of the school for drop-off.  The first cars should pull all the way forward to the last set of cones (Point B).  When lining up, please take care to leave the crosswalk clear.   
  • Parents will always remain in the vehicle. Students will remain in the vehicle until a staff member motions for the student to exit the vehicle.
  • Parents will exit the parking lot through the same point of entry (Point A).


  • Walkers coming from the north side of the school are encouraged to use the multi-use path on the Northwest side of the school which leads from Heritage Drive to the rear of the school (Point I).
  • All walkers will enter the building using via Door 1 (Main Entrance)
  • A school employee will be stationed by the bridge for both arrival and dismissal times (Point I).
  • All walkers coming from the south should cross Mary Drew Parkway at the crosswalk (Point F). A school employee will be stationed at this cross walk and will assist walkers across Mary Drew Parkway to the sidewalk. 

Bike Riders

  • All bike riders coming from the north side of the school are encouraged to use the multi-use path on the northwest side of the school which leads from Heritage Drive to the rear of the school (Point I).
  • All bike riders coming from the south of the school should cross Mary Drew Parkway at the crosswalk (Point F). A school employee will be stationed at this cross walk and will assist walkers across Mary Drew Parkway to the sidewalk. 
  • Bike racks are located south (outside of Door 15) and east (Point H) of the building for student use.
  • Once on campus, students are to walk their bikes.
  • All students must have a bike lock to secure their bike to the racks. 

Bus Riders  

  • Buses will line up at the rear of the building and students arriving via bus will enter through Door 14.

Afternoon Dismissal Procedures

Parent Drop-Off

  • Vehicles will enter the parking lot from Mary Drew Parkway (Point A) and line up in front of the building in the same manner as the morning drop off. Please pull all the way forward to the cones (Point B) and take care not to block the crosswalk in front of the school.
  • Parents should remain in their vehicles while in the pick-up line. If a parent needs to enter the building, please exit the pick-up line and park in the parking lot. 
  • Students will exit the building from Door 1 and will use the sidewalk to walk to their waiting car.
  • Students will not cross the parking lot to get to a parked car.
  • Vehicles will exit the parking lot through the same point of entry (Point A)
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support as we implement these procedures to ensure the safety of our students, staff, and families.   We ask that all drivers use extreme caution when driving on school grounds.  Arrival and dismissal times are very busy and due to having one point of entry and exit, traffic can become congested.  
Please refrain from talking on your cell phone during arrival and dismissal, remain alert for busses, students on foot and on bikes, and please take care to follow the directions given by our supervising staff.  

Student Bus Expectations

  • Students are to ride their assigned bus to and from their assigned stop each day.  
  • Students may not take a bus route they are not assigned to.
  • Students will be assigned seats on their bus.
  • Please arrive to your bus stop five minutes early each day.
  • Follow all bus driver directions while riding the bus.
  • Students who miss their bus in the afternoon will return to the Hilda Walker main office to contact a ride home.